Thursday, 24 September 2015

DepicT Short Film Reviews


'Torn' is a short animated film about the breakup of parents that is told through the eyes of the young child. The film describes the intense breakdown of the child's mental state and the effect that the break up has had on him. It uses a topic that many can relate and the ideology is that during your parents break up you can begin to feel isolated and terrified, which is represented by the young child being shrouded in darkness. The child begins to see 2 black, shadowy figures which represent the boys parents, and they are chasing him and trying to control him, which could represent who the boy would live with and the custody of the child. The narrative is, a child sees his parents fighting and breaking up and he is plunged into a world of isolation and darkness.

'Operator' is a short animated film that involves a curious man with a burning question he needs answered. So he calls up God and asks him the question, "Why can't i lick my elbow?". The ideology is that if humans were to meet God, we would have so many questions, such as, "Why did you create us?". The narrative is based of the whole 'Meet your Maker' idea. The film uses very minimal sound, one character, and tells a good story while still using simple animation and dialogue that manages to keep the audience interested.

Don't Feed The Ducks

'Don't feed the ducks' is an animated short film which depicts a killer duck going on a rampage in the form of the most iconic movie or Video Game 'Monsters/Characters' in history which creates a dramatic yet comedic short film. The short film is intertextual to 'War Of The Worlds', 'King Kong' 'Gremlins' and 'Pacman'.

Perfect House guest 

'Perfect House Guest' is a short Live Action with Animation film that depicts a mouse cleaning up a dirty house which is unconventional as most people would consider mice to dirty little rodents. This film caught my attention as it has little to no actual goal in the narrative, just a mouse cleaning a house. The narrative is very simple and the film is well made and just a very fun film to watch.

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